Phriday Phunday Phor a Phew Phriends like Phido

Susan Rooks
4 min readJan 11, 2019


Odd title, yes? Well, when you get to the bottom of the pictures / memes, you will see why.

And be sure to see my BIG NEWS at the bottom, too.

Meanwhile, let me show you a bunch of furry friends who might make you laugh this Friday morning, January 11!

It’s still amazing that some of us use stamps, but honestly, if I could have Jax around, I’d be sure to use more!

Proving size doesn’t always matter …

And I wouldn’t bet against finding that face on Southwest, would you?

Never have I imagined ears that big, except on a jackrabbit! And I sure hope he does NOT grow into them. Thoughts on his breed?

Had enough of the pups? Here are just a few other memes to hopefully tickle your funny bone! The first one is of another kind of furry friend from Jim Saelzler:

I don’t know where this installation is — if you do, please let me know — but I am sure Consulting Forensic Arborist Joe Samnik will get a real kick out of it! The original label on it was … wait for it … palm tree. See more here on Pinterest.

And gotta love the Scouts — I knew there had to be something in those cookies … I think I could easily eat at least half a box at a sitting!

Returning to the dog theme — this article just cracked me up! It was shared by a wonderful animal rescue site located in Rhode Island — Handsome Dan — that I follow. Take a minute to LOL at the ingenuity of the NYC riders!

The article below is the reason for the headline; it caught my eye on FB this past week … file this under “You can’t make this stuff up”! Just have to laugh. (If you don’t “get it,” have a friend explain it to you. I cannot do that here on a family-friendly post.)

And my favorite for today, which has nothing to do with the theme, but got me laughing anyway. Thanks to Attorney Marianne Hanowitz! Who says attorneys don’t have a sense of humor?


This is my 600th article on LI since December 2014, when my mentor and now good friend, John White of Social Marketing Solutions, suggested that I should start writing on LI to create some interest in what I do, and to show how I could help if someone needed it.

I diligently wrote four or five articles a week for nearly two of those years on different topics, then slacked a bit, but still continued to post a Friday Funday or occasionally a Silly Saturday one. And of course he was right — no surprise there!

Bless you, John, for your knowledge and your willingness to give. Your understanding of how to use social media was huge back then, and as social media has changed and grown, you’ve kept up with it and continued to show us how it’s done. I continue to learn from you every day.

And it seems fitting to say all this now because January is National Mentoring Month.

Who mentored you? Have you thanked him or her recently?



Susan Rooks
Susan Rooks

Written by Susan Rooks

The Grammar Goddess | Editor | Corporate Educator Cruciverbalist | Happy Woman | Let me find and fix your typos before you publish. |

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