Phriday Phunday Phor a Phew Phriends like Phido
Odd title, yes? Well, when you get to the bottom of the pictures / memes, you will see why.
And be sure to see my BIG NEWS at the bottom, too.
Meanwhile, let me show you a bunch of furry friends who might make you laugh this Friday morning, January 11!
It’s still amazing that some of us use stamps, but honestly, if I could have Jax around, I’d be sure to use more!
Proving size doesn’t always matter …
And I wouldn’t bet against finding that face on Southwest, would you?
Never have I imagined ears that big, except on a jackrabbit! And I sure hope he does NOT grow into them. Thoughts on his breed?
Had enough of the pups? Here are just a few other memes to hopefully tickle your funny bone! The first one is of another kind of furry friend from Jim Saelzler:
I don’t know where this installation is — if you do, please let me know — but I am sure Consulting Forensic Arborist Joe Samnik will get a real kick out of it! The original label on it was … wait for it … palm tree. See more here on Pinterest.
And gotta love the Scouts — I knew there had to be something in those cookies … I think I could easily eat at least half a box at a sitting!
Returning to the dog theme — this article just cracked me up! It was shared by a wonderful animal rescue site located in Rhode Island — Handsome Dan — that I follow. Take a minute to LOL at the ingenuity of the NYC riders!
The article below is the reason for the headline; it caught my eye on FB this past week … file this under “You can’t make this stuff up”! Just have to laugh. (If you don’t “get it,” have a friend explain it to you. I cannot do that here on a family-friendly post.)