Karthik Rajan! How do you do that every time! You always hit my heart-strings with your stories — and this one? Oh yeah. Check out what I highlighted — there’s a theme.
The one downside of being single is the lack of hugs, at least on a regular basis. My friends and I hug, male and female, but it’s not quite the same as a partner’s hug. That said, I live for those moments! Hugs always surround us with a sense of love / caring / taking care / openness — and I’m really sorry for anyone who doesn’t feel those and other wonderful emotions (notice I didn’t say “human” emotions) that a sincere hug can bring.
My dogs love hugs! Hands of their small bodies make them wiggle in appreciation. And although it’s different for each species, I think we’ve all seen the power of touch, even if it isn’t a true hug.
Your mom’s experience certainly is different; I hadn’t realized the scarcity of hugs outside of grief situations in her/your culture.
Keep letting me know when you publish an article, Karthik! I am grateful for your friendship.