A Friday Funday Frosty Forecast!
Here in the northeast part of the U.S., specifically in the southeast part of Massachusetts, we’ve had record-breaking high temperatures for the last couple of months — even a couple of days at or ner 90F! Heck, I have a gorgeous iris blooming that normally blooms in the summer; obviously it’s confused but SO welcome!
Sad to say, the forecast for this weekend is record-breaking COLD temps, down in the 20s F during the day but prossibly near 0 F overnight for a couple of nights. Brrrrrrr.
So, I’m going to stay warm by laughing, cuddling with my pups, and being very grateful I have heat!
Thanks to Paul Croubalian for this gem below!
I’m sensing a theme here . . .
Which logically enough leads to . . .
Thanks to Kathy Graham for this one below!
And MY favorite for today:
Bonus #1: Cutest baby video ever
Bonus #2: Funny Uber Drivers
Which one is YOUR favorite today?
Many of these funnies come from Facebook pages that you can access any time you need a few more good laughs. My favorites are Single Dad Laughing, I am not a grammar cop, Language Cranks Redux, Pun Based Humor, The Valley of Pun Memes, Wrong Hands, and Tannuzzo Copywriting.